Luckily, you
don’t have to live with cellulite if you don’t want to. Cellulite treatment in NYC will help either partially or entirely remove these blemishes, leaving your
skin smooth and lump-free!

Many doctors
agree that the most effective treatment for cellulite uses radio frequency to
reduce the appearance of dimpled fat on the body. This treatment has been shown
to temporarily (the treatment lasts six months or so) reduce the circumference
of the treated area, be it thighs or waist, and to smooth the treated area’s
fat reserves. BioSkin Laser uses the VelaShape system, combining radio frequency and infrared light to heat localized fat tissues. A hand-held probe which projects electromagnetic waves is moved
over the skin, heating up fat tissue, while mechanical massage smooths and tightens skin.
VelaShape is a pain-free, short cellulite treatment in NYC that features little to no downtime. Sessions are typically 40 minutes to an hour long, and results can be seen immediately. We advise weekly treatment sessions for best results. After 4-6 weeks, many of our clients report remarkable skin results. Once we have successfully minimized or erased cellulite, we recommend at least one monthly VelaShape treatment to maintain your beautiful look.

You want to feel
good about yourself. Part of that is feeling good about your body. With cellulite treatment in NYC, you can keep that cellulite at bay!
For more information about our affordable cellulite treatment in NYC, call BioSkin Laser at (212) 696-1900.
For more information about our affordable cellulite treatment in NYC, call BioSkin Laser at (212) 696-1900.