Monday, April 18, 2016

Cellulite Treatment NYC

For many people, there are three great inevitable parts of life: death, taxes, and cellulite. Cellulite, the appearance of fat puckering below the skin, is not unusual— studies estimate that over 85% of post-adolescent women experience cellulite. However, it can still be a cause of anxiety, a reminder that many of us are not as young nor as fit as we once were.

Luckily, you don’t have to live with cellulite if you don’t want to. Cellulite treatment in NYC will help either partially or entirely remove these blemishes, leaving your skin smooth and lump-free!

At BioSkin Laser, we achieve remarkable results by working with you to better understand the results you are looking for and give you the cellulite treatment to reach your desires. Our skincare professionals understand that each client has unique traits and needs, modifying our cellulite treatment in NYC to give you beautiful results. We are committed to providing you with smooth, radiant skin, knowing that our outward appearance enhances how we feel about ourselves internally. Give yourself the body you want - the body you deserve. Visit BioSkin Laser to speak with our professionals about your aspirations.

Many doctors agree that the most effective treatment for cellulite uses radio frequency to reduce the appearance of dimpled fat on the body. This treatment has been shown to temporarily (the treatment lasts six months or so) reduce the circumference of the treated area, be it thighs or waist, and to smooth the treated area’s fat reserves. BioSkin Laser uses the VelaShape system, combining radio frequency and infrared light to heat localized fat tissues. A hand-held probe which projects electromagnetic waves is moved over the skin, heating up fat tissue, while mechanical massage smooths and tightens skin.

VelaShape is a pain-free, short cellulite treatment in NYC that features little to no downtime. Sessions are typically 40 minutes to an hour long, and results can be seen immediately. We advise weekly treatment sessions for best results. After 4-6 weeks, many of our clients report remarkable skin results. Once we have successfully minimized or erased cellulite, we recommend at least one monthly VelaShape treatment to maintain your beautiful look.

In combination with VelaShape, a nutritious diet will ensure that you get the results you want. What we eat affects how our skin ages. Certain foods and vitamins increase our skin’s elasticity. For example, nutritionists have found that liposomal vitamin C supplements enhance skin firmness, omega-3s (found in oily fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds) act as anti-inflammatory agents, and B vitamins keep estrogen hormones in balance. Additionally, regular exercise increases leg musculature and helps keep fat reserves in check! 

You want to feel good about yourself. Part of that is feeling good about your body. With cellulite treatment in NYC, you can keep that cellulite at bay!

For more information about our affordable cellulite treatment in NYC, call BioSkin Laser at (212) 696-1900.


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