Can you recall a mythical creature which is believed to reside on the
dark crest of the snowy mountains of the Himalayas, is ape-like, covered with a
thick hide of hair, and preys on stray beings? A Yeti, you would say. I say it
is YOU. Yes, you are a Yeti. Just as the powerful forces of pubescence touch
you, you start to mutate on a rapid scale, giving birth to some obstinate tufts
of thick, black, hair in areas unknown. Mood swings make you hotter than an
active volcano at times or as cold as an isolated igloo. The sentinels of
adolescence spawn bulbous, pus-filled pimples on your skin, elongating it in
the process.
Not only is it the stretching that bothers you, but wrinkling also
casts its curse on you too. This change makes you want to hide in the dark corners
of your room, pouncing on those who disturb your depression, and feeding on
stray slices of pizza under your bed. Do you believe me now that you are
practically a Yeti?
It is an accepted belief that darkness
unwillingly attracts light towards it, and is eventually destroyed. You must
have heard of the metaphor of unrequited love, commonly used in the oriental
poetry, about a moth that is fatally attracted to the blazing candlelight, and
wastes its life before it. In the age-old epics, evil snake-like women,
disguised as beauties, would lure stray Knights to their bosoms, only to be
annihilated by those pure beings at the break of the spell. Even if we tread on
the dangerous grounds of colonialism and talk about how the Dark Mysterious
Continent attracted the White Savoir and was deprived in the process of its
originality. From these examples, you can infer the weird relationship between
darkness and light. Now, taking this principle into view, a solution to your Yeti
problems can be revealed. NYC laser hair removals a process in which a
pulsating beam of light is manually directed at an area of the skin, killing
the hair follicles in the process. The black matters inside the follicles
attract and absorb the light beam and dissolve into nothingness at the end.
From 1990 onwards, laser hair removal NYC has been the ultimate solution
to unwanted hair problems. If you have riotous hair on any part of your body
that you think hold you back, then visit the best laser hair removal NYC to pluck the rowdy crowd right from
the roots. However, if you are skeptical being steeped in the traditional
teaching, you would ask me as to why should you risk the exposure to a
uber-technical gadget when so many other foolproof options are available to
you. You would argue that unwanted hair can be easily removed by shaving,
waxing, and threading. Well then, you must have no need for a refrigerator when
you can so ‘easily' preserve food by pickling, or even a printing press when
you can save your masterful creations by scribbling on stone tablets using your
bare hands. Progress pleads from you to move along with its pace. Surely,
shaving, waxing, and threading may seem like adequate recourses to you, but
they do not promise permanence. You would have to shave every single morning,
wax every alternate day, and thread every week to keep the wild hair from
coming back, not to mention the severe pain associated with these methods. They
may seem like good options to you, but they can never be the best, and you
deserve the best, don’t you?
On the other hand, laser hair removal midtown NYC promises so many
benefits to you. You must have heard the oft-times repeated nugget ‘Time is
money,' which is all the more relevant today. Who has the time these days to
sit hours on end, plucking every single unwanted hair from its root? Surely,
not those who know the precious value of this ‘commodity.' Solely for the conservation of
time, scientists introduced the brilliant technology
of laser hair removal NYC which clears off the thick black hair from a select area of skin in one
swipe. It takes only a few seconds to do the upper lip, only a few minutes to
do the bikini line, and only a half hour to do the arms and legs. Apart from
this, the whole process is as painless as slipping into cold jeans on a winter
day. Unlike waxing which needs hot wax and strips and what not, it doesn’t
require much and does not make a mess. Moreover, its progress is predictable,
as only a few sessions to the laser hair removal Midtown, NYC will considerably
lessen the growth and permanently pause the regrowth of the returning hair.
If there is a thing we’ve learned about ourselves over the millenniums,
it is this that we cannot simply survive on our own for very long. Aristotle
was not joking when he said that human beings are social animals. We have to
live in societies and stay interconnected to ensure collective happiness.
Because of this imperceptible fact, every human being likes to be accepted in
his social circles. Acceptance by others is usually the basic motive behind our
actions. We strive to bring ourselves up to the standards defined by the
Society. One of these standards, set by the inter-subjectivity of the society,
is beauty. Societal aesthetics consist of certain notions which develop over
Right now, a beautiful woman is the one who has a fair complexion, a
swan-like neck, a twinkle in the almond-shaped eyes, rosy cheeks, intelligent
speech and an elegant gait. Most of all, she is considered pulchritudinous
because she has zero unwanted hair on her body. All you girls out there would
want to come up to this standard one way or another. Removing the unwanted hair by laser hair
removal NYC is the
first step towards doing it. So, remove that hair, stop being a Yeti and have
fun in the sun with those bikinis!
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